Marie Biscuits

Name of snack: Marie Biswich
Preparation time: 2 mins
1 packet Marie Biscuits (depending upon the need of the snack)
Leftover green chutney from Sandwizza
Leftover oregano and chilly flakes from Dominoes
Free sachets of tomato sauce from Dominoes

1. Apply the green chutney over one Marie Biscuit
2. Put Tomato Sauce over it
3. Sprinkle oregano and chilly flakes
4. Cover it with another Marie Biscuit
5. It is now ready to eat :-)

I sure did enjoy eating this. It was a quick fix at my workplace :-P. Yeah - I do that too!!! Especially when you also have over enthusiastic colleagues as 'funky' as you!!!! Hehehehe, more than eating this, I sure did enjoy the process. Its a fun food. Not much of a thing in the culinary skills department, but hey, children could sure try this one out and its healthy too!!!! No extra calories and a flavour of oregano which gives a similar feeling to that of a pizza :-)

These days, am running short of topics to blog about. I want to write but am not finding a topic that I would enjoy writing about. Please feel to drop a suggestion as to what I could / can write about.
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  1. how cute can you get!

    topics for blogging - your relationship with your husband who was once your batchmate - how it has changed from college days to post marriage now.
    that would interesting.

  2. How desparate I can get !!!! :-P LOL
    But, thanks for the suggestion.. will definitely write about hubby and me... hopefully shud be interesting!!!

  3. Egad! Are you sure this turned out well? Sweet Marie biscuits with spicy chutney and ketchup? My tastebuds are writing their will now :P
    Next time try with Monaco biscuits.

  4. this thing was made from the resources available namitoes!!!! and yes - marie biscuits are the lowest in calories and the chutney was extra spicy!!!! so there.

  5. sauce looks like earthworms. *runs away*

  6. *running after you* with a sledge hammer in one hand!!!!! LOL
